Woods Country Cove

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday



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                                                                           Country Gal

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Look Who’s Building


                                                A nest by our back door and up on our porch light !

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                                                                                       Mrs Robin

She is  in the process of getting it all sturdy and packed . Papa said that if she needs help he will put a shelf under the light to help her out ! This is the first year a bird let a lone my favourite bird has even attempted to nest here ! We have lots of Robin couples in our yard this year and they are nesting all over  . I love it !

                                      Things are warming up and sun is shining , finally in the spring we all know and love .

                                                                                     Until next time

                           Country Gal

Monday, April 27, 2015

Another Nice Weekend In The Books


Saturday was the best day of the two this weekend and Papa and I puttered took our time and did a few things that needed to be done  . Papa re painted some of his wood shop trim on the out side , tidied  up the wood piles and I was helping by filling my little red wagon Ruby with the scrap wood and burning it in the fire pit and having a campfire .

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As lunch time approached I made a little picnic lunch of sandwiches and chips as a treat  and we had it out at our picnic table by the fire . Who needs to go camping when you can do it all right in your own yard lol !

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                             Miggs is looking at Papa wondering if he has anything for her and smelling food .

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He called her over and she sat ever so patient whilst Papa chose what he was going to give her ,she had a piece of cheddar cheese , a chip and a small biscuit  for her lunch but she had to say please and sit pretty  !

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                                                                          Good girl Miggs !

Then back to tidying up and burning more scrap wood and whilst I was doing that  Papa was busy with other stuff !

                 Yesterday Sunday started out to be a nice sunny day so whilst Papa again was busy with his stuff I took the time to take photos of birds and what ever caught my eye , cause well we all know taking photos is what I love to do !

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Up in our big old tree was Mr Northern Flicker who was doing his best at avoiding me way up there and using the branches to hide  but I was able to get a bit under and closer to him every time he lost interest in where I was as he was preening himself  so I took advantage of that , a good way to use your time to quietly sneak up on them as they aren't paying attention  then as soon as they look to see where you are stop and be still for the moment ! Works every time lol !

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Then we have these two Geese who are nesting at the end of the field near the river not far from us and they use over our house as their exercise flight path a few times a day !

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                   Then one of them takes the fight path on their own as the other stays behind on the river bank !

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                               Miggs was busy keeping the squirrels on their toes as she does every day lol !

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                                           Mr Robin watching the ground for movement of worms to catch !

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Busy place this feeding station is every day  sometimes there are so many birds and squirrels here it gets confusing and very loud lol !

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Then I hear a usual sound I hear a lot here this time of year and that’s small air craft fling over and about our valley !

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Then I saw Mr Sparrow in the barn house busy making a nest and insisting upon squeezing in and out as he has every year lol !

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We have lots of Robins this year as well as lots of Red winged Black birds , these guys calls and song remind me of the marsh/swamp I used to go to as a kid where they would sit on the tall grasses and bulrushes and sing . They do that here in our swampy /marshy area near the river but they do enjoy a good feast at the feeders every once in a while !

Well that was pretty much our weekend . The afternoon yesterday ended up cloudy after all and very chilly so we came in and watched a movie or two !

This morning is cloudy and drizzly with rain the sun is trying to come out  but lots of low cloud  is hanging over  so I will cross my fingers that the sun breaks through the cloud but for now I will just be glad the temps have warmed up again . Early this morning I saw Mrs Robin on my garden rock Papa made for me a few years ago and I thought it was  a perfect shot as I love the garden rock sign  or as I call it my garden  tomb stone lol standing joke here , my gardens and Robins  so it just seem to fit !

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                                                                                    Until next time !

                                                                              Country Gal

Saturday, April 25, 2015

An Early Morning Walk About


Miggs and I had an early morning  walk about the yard as the sun had just risen  and was shining it’s lovely soft light and the temps were cool but refreshing . Before I even got out there Mr Robin was waiting for me under the patio porch perched on the top railing of Miggs swing !

                                                                     Good morning Mrs Robin .

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                                                                  So I took her photo and off he went !

                             Then I went out into the yard and was looking for things to photograph .

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I guess the birdies were still sleeping as there were none on my feeders , oh I know why  Miggs was in hot pursuit of a squirrel  just on the other side of this big tree .

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                                             Miggs leave Speedy squirrel alone he was having breakfast !

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Over across the yard I noticed the last blue Jay we have here as I think they all have gone now ,oh and Mr Squirrel who is a newbie to our yard feasting on seed in the bowl on the stump !

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Lots of buds everywhere ready to pop with blooms or leaves . My Lilacs here are close to bursting and I cant wait  I have a row of them in the back and one in the center of the yard  all different colours !

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                                                             Trees are getting their seeds for leaves .

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                                                             Forsythia bushes are bursting in buds .

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                       Our row of Japanese willows are full of new buds , they are pretty when all in bloom !

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                                          Our Irises  are growing and will be in  bloom soon on our hill .

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                            This year  in my gardens all my Daffs and Tulips are late but they are getting there .

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                       Birdies are busy feasting and nesting and the guys are attracting  the ladies singing  their songs and doing their  crazy dancing lol !

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                             My Geraniums inside waiting to be able to go out side , not long now my pretties !

The sun shines almost every day now and the temps are going back up to where they should be , grass is a deep green and will need to be cut soon  . All is coming along wonderfully . I have a few things left to tidy up in the gardens but for the most part it is all done  next will be making a trip to my garden center on our May long weekend and picking up my flowers and plant them , cant wait for that .   Waiting and looking forward to the Hummers and Orioles to show up soon .

        Also  Looking forward to our crab apple tree to bloom and buzz as it does every spring with bees as they collect it’s nectar .

                                  So I will  be on my way  now , a photo of  last years crab apple tree in full bloom  !

May 2014 (7 of 22)

                                              Soon our yard will be full of blooms and more birds and critters  , I love it !!!

                                                                                     Until next time !

                           Country Gal

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What The ?????!!!


As I said a few choice not so nice cover your ears this will be bad potty mouth words when I woke up looked out the window to see this !!! REALLY !! are you serious ? !!! oh come on , get over , enough already ! oh man , and there is still  some floating about out there ! The temps aren’t to be desired either 0°C  Feels like –6 or  32°F Feels like 21 , again … REALLY ! !!


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                                Well no picnics here at this rate , unless picnicking in a parka is a new thing  .

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                                             And no sun tanning in the lounge chair either !BRR  just the thought !!

Even the poor Robins are all puffed up looking miserable whilst they bob around trying to keep warm and gather worms that  thankfully for them  aren't frozen in the ground , one good thing is that the land is warm or more of this white stuff would of accumulated  , thank goodness for the land being warm at least that’s something .

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                                I can just hear the choice words this guy is thinking with that look on his beak  lol !

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                                               I think what little plants I have growing are in shock lol !!

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                                     Welcome to Southwestern Ontario Canada’s crazy weather never a dull moment !

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  Not a sign of any other birds or even critters this morning when I was taking these photos   just  the Robins  who are brave enough and  still hunt and catch worms to stay warm , would you  like that toasted buddy ?, may help to stay warm ??!! all though the worms may slip through the toaster a bit !  ha ha !!  yup gota have a sense of humour for our wacky weather cause if not you will go nuts !!

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                                          Either that or I didn’t get as much sleep last night as I thought lol !!

             Guess I will bring out the winter coats again  , I knew that was a mistake when I put them away lol  I should of known lol .

Oh well… it is what it is and come summer some of us will be complaining it is to hot  , NOT ! me that’s for sure  bring it on !

                                                                                  Until next time !

                                                                                 Country Gal